• Opening Time : 9:30 AM - 8:00 PM

Travel Insurance

Travel Insurance Charming Journey

Do you need Travel Insurance?

When you’re 100 % sure nothing wrong can happen during your Holidays, and even if anything terrible happens, irrespective of the magnitude of the loss, it will not impact you. In that case, you better don’t purchase insurance.


If you wish to be safe and secure and you’re looking for a trouble-free vacation that guarantees you peace of mind when you’re in a stranded situation with limited access.

You’ve no other option but to purchase Travel Insurance.

Buy an umbrella before the rain hits you. Don’t wait for the misfortune to happen.

Travel insurance undoubtedly gives you access to a range of benefits and protections.

Choosing the right level of coverage will depend on what you’re most likely to need in any given situation.

So what’s included in it?

Travel Insurance is a comprehensive insurance policy that provides coverage to meet your needs. It covers loss of checked-in baggage, loss of passport, or other identification documents, unforeseen health, personal injury, and medical emergencies abroad are covered in most policies.

A few of the plans also cover expenses incurred due Covid and also include youe expensive gadgets like mobiles/ laptops

Besides, it covers reimbursements due to loss of credit card.

Don’t you think it’s worth it?

Believe it or not, it’s peanuts if you compare the expenses you’ve already spent or are likely to spend during your Holidays.